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How important is the Backlink Analysis?

Search engine optimization isn’t an easy task to perform. This means not all people understand how to maximize their site’s quality or exposure. When it is about SEO, we provide some excellent reports service for the clients. The backlink analysis is one of our services, after all. What is it, exactly? Link analysis becomes one of the most important parts of network theory. We are used to this technique and we have some useful backlink tools to both evaluate and examine the connections between 2 points in a linkage list. The question is what the importance of backlink analysis for SEO needs.

Make Use of a Backlink Analysis

First of all, it helps our clients to know their site position against the competitors. It will help them understand how organic the flow of the backlink is. Next, it helps them estimate the value of referring domains. Backlink analysis also helps them analyze the list of the anchor and check many other factors. So, how does it work? We may use an algorithm that may find out the quality of each link. This value or weight is calculated based on the relative influence of those links and how they contribute to the site’s functionality. The rule is simple. The higher the number is the better the site’s exposure in the search engines.

We will determine how great the links are to support the site crawls in the search engines. It has better to have a few of valuable links than having many links that have lesser weight. Both reference and authoritative links are more useful as these weigh heavier when compared to regular links. What kind of tool that we use? We usually utilize some analysis software including a backlink checker. However, we also perform a backlink audit for our clients. Most of our customers fear they have been penalized by Google due to the algorithmic penalty. This is where our backlink audit becomes a big help.

We Will Do the Audit

The backlink analysis actually includes an audit. We will perform such task for our clients. The data people obtain from the analysis provides them an opportunity to look closer at the progress of their strategy. The problem is that they don’t really understand how to perform such kind of task. That’s why we will do it for them. We won’t over-optimize the data from a backlink analysis. We understand that over-optimization will lead the site into Google’s radar and it ends up in a penalty. The audit helps our customers to find the best strategies that can suit to their conditions. We’ll help them with it.

Why is it important? By doing so, people can avoid the penalty from Google. Leaving too much Google print is a bad thing. We make sure our clients won’t get this problem. Not to mention we will help them create a natural and organic backlink profile. We also avoid anchor text over-optimization. We know that it’s very dangerous to move and it becomes the target of Penguin algorithm. By using our backlink analysis, the clients will get a better picture of their anchor text options. This means we will help them avoid over-optimization. Plus, we help them identify new safe opportunities of SEO.

Let’s Remove the Backlink

Backlink analysis is an important part of SEO. Why? It helps people to inspect any bad links to their site and remove them before it takes effects. Our SEO reports service will help people dealing with such matter, after all. Almost all established sites have removed their bad backlinks. With our backlink analysis, we will help our customers locate clean the toxic links and get natural ones. We promote the backlink analysis as a foundation for link building campaigns. Most of the people don’t know where to start. That’s why we will handle that bad backlink removal for them.

Apart from that, we also include a relevance when doing our job. The backlink analysis should include the relevance. In fact, it’s the key to this issue. We make sure that our clients get the best impact from their search engine optimization by making use of relevance. Without it, Google will penalize any site by utilizing their filter to eradicate bad links. We know that relevance isn’t the only factor to consider. However, we emphasize that relevance is the first thing people should inspect at the beginning. This means we may analyze link relevance both on the domain level and page.

To put it simply, the page level must have a strict relevance. If there’s no relevance or contextual sense between the link and the page, everything becomes useless. In some cases, it becomes worse. We aim for a domain to domain weight. Not all people are able to understand this kind of thing. That’s why we come as a savior for our clients. We don’t only help them analyze the backlinks but we also determine what kind of links has the most relevance with the page. We have the experience to do so, after all.

Final Thoughts

Almost all bloggers and site owners understand what a backlink is. It’s a link from other sites to people’s website. When a site links to a particular website, it votes for the site. This means the more backlinks people can get to their sites, the better. Both credibility and reputation of the links are crucial when it comes to backlink. This is why we will analyze those links for our clients. Relevance is also an important aspect when looking for more backlinks from the other sites.

The backlink analysis is one of our reliable services of SEO reports. Our team will do the best to analyze clients’ backlink and construct the best search engine optimizations to increase new backlinks. People can’t withstand the procedure as it takes both efforts and time. We will do that intricate task for them. Thus, they can bring their site into a better ranking of search engine. In a nutshell, our service includes a thorough backlink profile review of the clients. It also includes the anchor text. Not to mention we will perform comprehensive reports regarding bad links and remove them with our clients’ concerns.

Competitors Auditions in SEO – Let’s Learn the Importance

In the world of search engine optimization, there are many aspects of learning. Competitors’ auditions become more important these days. It’s imperative to understand the search result competition. However, many people don’t understand how to do so. They need to make use of our service, actually. We help them beat their competitor in the search engine. The first thing that we will do is to heck the rank of the sites. We have the tool to perform an SEO analysis and find out both of our clients’ or competitors’ rank in the search engine.

Why Do They Need Us?

The rule is simple. We will bring more score to our clients’ sites for a better authority. The home rank for the home page will be higher when compared to the domain rank. Why? There are many websites that link to the home page than others. We ensure that everything goes based on our clients’ demands. We listen to their requests regarding what kind of strategies that they want. Next, we will analyze the keywords competition. Those who are researching to see whether they can rank on specific keywords, they must see the page authority and domain in search results first. We will handle this thing.

Our next strategy is to analyze competitor pages optimization. We have the specific tool that helps us perform an on-page analysis. This is the simplest way to inspect images, descriptions, tags, and many more. We consider it as an important matter as it will be useful to compare our clients’ site against their competitors. Page titles will be very useful for SEO purposes and we will make them unique. We make use of keywords that match audience’s interests. Not all site owners understand the importance of search result competition. This is where we come in rescue.

We Do the Research

Well, let’s make it simpler. Competitors’ auditions aren’t difficult task for us. People only need rely on us both for the contenders’ analysis and research. Our first step is to perform the keyword research. We ensure our customers can match their keywords with their realistic target. Each topic or niche needs specific keywords. If it’s too general, there will be many big competitors out there. People have the freedom whether they want to be in a competitive industry or not. We utilize a particular tool that is able to organize their keyword buckets and concepts. Not to mention we also make use a keyword planner.

Our next step is to identify client’s top competitors. Once we gather the keywords, we may inspect the competitors by inserting those keywords to the search engine. Usually, we will use 10 top competitors to analyze. It’s common if there are same sites appearing over and over again. We will identify their rank for different keywords in the same niche. Later, we will add them to our client’s competitors list. We have some valuable tools that we use to determine competitors’ organic traffic and keywords in Google. However, we don’t always accurate. We only use it only as a starting point.

The focus is that we will find some sites that are truly competitive to our clients’. This means we only use the best competitors and identify the long tail terms for our customers. The next step is to analyze clients’ contenders. Once we have found the competitors, we will deep more into their profile. This is useful to grab insights regarding their quality. We may use a tool like Juice Tool in order to gather general metrics of those contenders. Next, we will learn their backlink profile by downloading it. Is it important? It’ll helpful if we analyze their trust flow and semantic link profile.

Later, we also use the content audit and social media to have an understanding of our clients’ competitors and their backlink profile. We may even research their social media strategy and content marketing. This way, we can find out how often they use social media platforms to post updates. Knowing their engagement ratio is also important. Our approach is to evaluate their social media accounts including FB, blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, and many more. Our clients will learn how big sites perform their routines. This is a good start to compete with those giants.

Next Things that We Do

Our next step is to determine our clients’ barrier to strategy and entry. Once we have a clear understanding of the competitors, we will create some strategies based on the uncovered data. Our customers can use these strategies to start their online business. Once this is done, it’s time to determine how many links that our clients might need. Building irrelevant links doesn’t give positive effects to the site, after all. 100 relevant backlinks are more powerful than a hundred useless backlinks. We know it well. Also, we determine how many domain ranks required by my clients.

Next, we may determine the amount of articles needed to share on their blog per week. It includes the amount of focused keywords, posts, audience, and many more. The entire data we get from that research will be our backbone of SEO strategy. We can create the best structure of the campaign, after all. What about the social media? We also take advantage of it for sure. Social media platforms become more important for search engine optimization. We should compare our clients with their competitors in this regard, too. If that isn’t enough, we will make use of Alexa to get insights regarding daily demographics, page views, bounce rate, and others data.

In summary, people should get help from a professional like us to analyze their competitors before applying any SEO strategies. Competitors’ auditions aren’t easy tasks for those who don’t have enough experience and skills. We have the strategies how to analyze competitors, especially the best ones. With our help, the clients can choose what kind of keywords, strategies, and any types of preparation before compete with those big sites. Overall, we will help them get more views and insights about their contenders. Why? Blindly entering the competitive market is a bad decision. Many beginners often fall into this big mistake.

Off Page SEO: Your Ultimate Guide

When talking about SEO, there seems like no ending since it significantly changes each year. SEO or search engine optimization refers to process to optimize the website rank in the search engine. According to its amazing benefit SEO is definitely important to attract prospective customer and also increase the website credibility as well as reach broader audience. The search engine uses complex algorithms to decide whether a website is suitable for their index or not and it shows the result on the search engine page. In simple, SEO is the way to tell search engine through providing it with the website details.

In general, SEO has two major factors: Off page and On Page SEO. As aforementioned above, SEO is constantly changing and so does Off Page SEO. Originally, the Off Page SEO used to focus on direct improvement to determine the keyword ranking which in general use the link building. However, the development of Penguin Google somehow puts the conventional SEO to an end. After that, the main purpose of this SEO factors has also changed. Link building is no longer in used by online marketers to enhance the keyword ranking. Meanwhile, online marketers are looking for techniques to build an online reputation and increase the presence of the website.

What is Off Page SEO?

Most eCommerce owners and marketers, in general, start the marketing with On Page SEO. However, the process does not stop there; we continue to maximize the website performance using Off Page SEO.

Off Page SEO relates to any activities that you and other people do out from your websites in order to increase the page ranking in search engine. Many people think that Off Page SEO is only associated with link building. However, it is more than just link building. If the On-Page SEO is something that you do within the website; the Off Page SEO is something that you do outside the website. For example, you write in another blog a guest post or write a comment; that is the Off Page SEO.

Benefits of Off Page SEO

A successful Off Page SEO will indeed result in these following benefits:

Ranking increase – the website will place the top rank in the SERPs which also means more website traffic.

PageRank Increasing – the page rank is the indicator which shows how important a website according to Google eyes. The rank is in the form of number start from 0 to 10.

More exposure – ranking increase also refers to more exposure when the websites score the top rank in search engine. Indeed, it also means more visits, more mentions, and more links. It likes an unending chain of events which leads one to another.

Steps to Off Page SEO

Even though you are a beginner in the SEO worlds; there is no reason not to join in the hype of SEO. Here are the steps to begin the Off Page SEO.

Blog Post Submission

People nowadays appreciate more to blog post with fresh content with high quality. We provide a high-quality blog post with fresh content compiled with the standard of On Page SEO for the maximal result. Moreover, we also provide a blog post with the standard image as well as interesting image/video optimization.

Social Bookmarking

Even though social bookmarking is not as popular as in the previous years; however, it is still a good way to increase the website traffic. There are plenty of social bookmarking websites which can help bookmark your websites if they like it. We offer to promote your website in social websites such as, and many more to name a few. We will choose the social websites according to the niche on your website. Therefore, social bookmarking will hit directly at the point and increase the website traffic. If your website receives bookmarking from one of the websites; it will send signals to the search engine that you have good quality content and deserve to get a higher rank.

Facebook Shares

With numbers of social websites, Facebook is one of the powerful social networks websites which can be good place to promote the website. Sharing the page content in Facebook in order to reach broader audience can be a good way. More shares on Facebook by the follower means broader chance of your websites to reach many audiences. Facebook is also a good place to build relationship with the customer so that you can hear their opinion about your business.

PR Submission

Surprisingly, public relation submission can boost the company’s visibility. From large to small businesses take advantages from PR submission. We offer press release for any business purposes to meet with the standard SEO. A good press release can spread the business in broader and farther range. Through this way, attracting more customers is not an impossible thing. In addition, press release highlights the business success as well as advancements which make it a powerful tool to attract investors.

Social Profiles

Social media has been long associated with Off Page SEO as it is the key for business to build a community. It is also the place where business owner engages with a community similar to keep the good relationship with the customer. Social media mentions are considered as the ground to ranking factors as well as proper configuration. This means that social media boost the SEO. We provide social profiles of your blog or websites to be placed in the social network sites to make you able stay in touch with your followers. When the community grows bigger and stronger, the post content can easily go viral with only social network shares.

PDF submission

Educational or research papers, as well as data documents, are usually in the form or PDF or portable document format. This kind of document is build with accuracy and Excellency. However, most PDF documents are not available for public access which and keep those documents for the smaller group only. We provide conversion of PDF documents to an accessible page and you can publish the documents on your website. This will make you easier to reach the linkers and share the accessible page.

On-Page SEO: All You Need To Know

The fact that good SEO strategy can increase the website traffic makes business owners get interested in learning more about it. If you are looking for an important marketing strategy element; it always is the search engine optimization. Even though some people do not think of SEO as a priority; still, they want to maximize the conversion. However, at the last, they want their content page can be easily found or appear on the top list on a search engine.

SEO or search engine optimization is constantly changing for the recent few years. However, SEO is still considered as the most effective online marketing strategy. In general, SEO factors can be divided into two main categories which are the On-page SEO factors and Off Page SEO factors. The main difference between those two factors is the control method; the On-Page SEO is controlled through our own website while the Off Page SEO requires external partner cooperation.

Here is our ultimate guide to On Page SEO and everything you need to know about the SEO strategy.

What is On-Page SEO?

Being on the first page of the search engine indeed leads to profitable business. Higher rank on the search engine increases the website traffic and also the business itself. Therefore, the impact to appear in the top rank of a search engine cannot be less important. The On Page SEO is the foundation for good online marketing strategy. This is the fancy term to refer the content that you have created for a website in a certain way which makes the search engine easy to recognize and rank the content. On Page SEO is important for optimal search engine result. Other marketing strategies are indeed as important as On Page SEO; however, we offer optimal website design from the very first stage and prioritize it to provide you with the maximal result.

Benefits of On Page SEO

Local result – this SEO factors shows the local result as possible. To improve the local result, you will need to add the location in the title of the landing page, GEO location site map, Google map, and many more. For your information, the Google Local result is now the new trend in the SEO world. With local SEO result, you certainly deal with smaller area and less national target means that the competition is also smaller. Therefore, it will be much easier to attract the prospective local customer.

Powerful yet inexpensive marketing strategy – the good page structure is definitely the best way to explain the keywords that will rank the page. Compare to other marketing strategy or using advertisement, this method is way cheaper to promote the website.

Steps to On Page SEO

Before you start to use On Page SEO to your website, it is better to read the steps for the maximal result.

Keyword Research

The audience will easily find your website page through the keywords they type in the search engine. Related or trending keywords are basically can make the audience find the website better. This is also how the search engine will place the rank through the relevant keywords. We offer keyword research for the trending or related keywords with the website content which can enhance the website traffic. Besides the eye-catching title, includes the keyword in the title is better.

Internal Linking

Your main purpose is definitely to make people dwell deeper in the website and also keep the search engine to place the website in the top rank. Internal linking is used when you are referencing other sources or pages. The trick is to link audience to the other source using anchor text which is aimed to calls for action such as the “sign up now”, “learn more”, and many more. We also offer natural keywords phrases as the anchor text. The use of internal linking should not be overused. In another hand, our service will only use the linking to drive the audience when it looks natural and makes sense. We keep the main content focus and readable without an excessive internal link.

Best Description

The description here refers to Meta description which is a short text that displayed in the search engine result below the title of the website page. The general length of the description is usually around 155 characters. Our service always includes related keywords in the description without over jamming to merely fulfill the search engine demand. We write the description in the best way and fill it with a curiosity which makes people want to click. Even though the good description is not the only factors that will place the website in the top rank; it indeed increases the click rate.

Meta/Title Tag

The intriguing title tag is an essential factor of On Page SEO which has direct influence on your success. Search engine’s algorithm look the website title tag for the first time and also human reader will also look at the title. Placing the keyword in the title especially, in the beginning will indeed boost the website visit. In general, the ideal title is more than 40 characters and less than 70 characters. Longer than this, the title will be cut off from the search results. We offer intriguing title tag with related keyword to help to place the website in the top rank of search engine and increase the website visit. In addition, we use the H1 headline tag for the optimal search result.

Image/Video Optimization

Long text without image or video can make the readers bore and end up leaving your websites. Besides good image/video quality, we offer image/video optimization to make the website visually appealing and attract the readers. For this purpose, we include a title for every uploaded image and video and treat it similar to the page titles. The usage of the relevant keyword, alt text, as well as description is beneficial for On Page SEO.

Site Map Creation

Using the above steps to On Page SEO, we offer the best creation for your website to increase the conversion rate. The On Page SEO is the ultimate way for sitemap creation. We create good quality content with image/video optimization which meets the standard of a search engine to help increase the conversion rate.